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I was mindful of food intake and how dieting can affect. So always be careful!

14th April. I was still at 2 stone and 1lb lost (since early January) but am now although at all times conscious of food types and consistency of food and quantity of food intake resuming /consciously /making decision to consciously re-engage on this diet regime diet to 'maybe' lose up to 7lbs more.

This page was typed on 14/04. On 17.12. the weight was still off. You can do it!

Yes, welcome to you if you have been logging in to see how i may be fairing with this particular diet regime. I do realise that there are numerous companies and great personalities who endorse plans and products which they may or have themselves experienced and i hope that they would share my sense of thanking them too for the encouragement which whatever way you look at it they give and to so many.

This diet which has been whisked up was of for many reasons my own situation which was code red for me. I'd totally had enough and was so miserable and sad about myself though i hid it. And there are always lots of reasons not to be miserable and sad i do also realise that too.

It was my birthday and i was handed a packet of chocolate truffles and of course i ate every one of them and in one session. I think i even shoved three of them in my mouth at once at one point (very attractive i know). There will be temptations but they are special occasions and it's rude to give away a birthday present i was advised some years ago. That was my quiet excuse to myself. Of course an option too if possible is to share?

Although it had been maybe two weeks since i wrote on these particular pages of this website i had also been quite busy with creating some new recipes and photographing them for you .

On the April i went out in the evening and it was a rareity for me, as a birthday treat, i lost my although i had all of the recipes written down the photos were lost. I was very sad about it but i shall cook those recipes again and do new photos with my new phone.

It has been difficult, i did get to 2stones and 4lbs lost but then in can for some be very easy and maybe moreso if on a particular diet regime.

If i had to give a comparison i would say that it could be compared to being advised by a GP to take a prescribed course of anti-biotics for 7 or 10 days and knowing that you must actually complete the course.

The weight i gained twice during two weeks i have lost again and am now just at 2 stones and 3/4lb. I f almost at your target weight ask yourself HOW MUCH WEIGHT DO YOU WANT TO ACTUALLY LOSE/ ASK YOUR GP IF UNDER 18 OR IF YOU HAVE HEALTH CONCERNS OR ARE UNCERTAIN. Set realistic targets. Be sure that if you want to lose another 7lbs or another 5lbs or 10lbs that you actually do and that it will suit you and that you are doing so for reasons that suit you or those whose care you may be in (if you are) such as parents or guardians or health workers who know you. If you feel that any of the above do not know you too well.

Make sure that you tell them and if necessary get their permission or acknowledgement or their approval.

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