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A seasonal variant

Keep your eye on it, add the ground cinnamon and and ground cloves cook at high heat until the swede starts to soften, then trim the broccolli ends off and carefully bread the broccolli heads from the stalk, dip to rinse in cold water and add. Also if you do not mind, cut the stalks up into manageable bits and add them too.

Then add the dried mango.

Now comes the fun part......... i would prefer it if you can, that you try thi recipe as a whole. And as it is a seasonal recipe, it hasnt beeen the easiest of years.

Switch on your oven to 200c or approximately gas mark 3

If you are doing the sweet pastry case option too, spoon or ladle out some of the cooked food into the pastry case and then dress with some of the prunes from the tin of prunes (as per photo) and also some segments of the pink grapefruit. Tip the remaining prunes and their juice into the saucepan

Then use your large spoon or ladle and top up the pastry case with liquid from the saucepan.

The saucepan would have been on the heat for maybe 20-25 minutes, try a piece of swede with a fork but be careful it will be hot, test to see if it is soft enough but carefully.

Place the sweet pie case creation into the middle shelf of your oven, cook on fairly high for maybe up to 20 minutes.

In the meantime, add the lentils to the saucepan and bring to the boil again and simmer. Bring to the boil to release toxins and simmer slightly for a few minutes then reboil again, eventually it all cooks up.

If you want to, add half the pack of the Aunt Bessies Sage & onion stuffing balls (available from most leading supermarkets which do frozen). And add the 3 dark rye Ryvita crispbreads. Stir it all in with a long wooden spoon.

I found the stuffing balls went quite doughy and were a super accompaniment texture and tastewise with all of the other facets to this meal/s.

If using Regenprotec as a weightloss strategy, please only one sage and onion stuffing ball per serving and not so much ice cream if you use some with the pastry angle to this recipe.

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