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Pepps Pepp

It had been a while and i noticed soya in a shop whilst on a trip and have since attempted to do things with it and to all inmtents and purposes they turned out fine. But this for reasons which i hope shall become apparent to you actually turned out to be a nice little number.


You will need some soya (Dried)

2 large lime leaves

One or two tablespoons of bouillion

Some frozen green beans

5 dried morels

Some potatoes

Salt (minimal)

One heaped teaspoonful of ground black pepper

1 vegetable stock cube.

Put the soya and the lime leave and the bouillion into a container and fill to an inch above the soya with water. Place in the refridgerator and leave overnight. You should be able to ascertain quantities from the photos which are accurate. As for the buillion, between one and two spoonfuls depending on how you feel but i would opt for one (Photo 1).

The next day soak the morels for an hour. Chop into small pieces (as you are going to make mashed potato) the potatoes. Clean the potatoes but keep the skins on. Any bits known as eyes on the potatoes, gently remove them. I would not advocate all of the combined ingredients pre cooking to weigh more than 1000 grams (as with any of the meals on this website certainly so far/ per adult person). Add a tiny sprinkling of salt to the potatoes whilst they boil but not much. Chop the morels and add those and the juice to the mix.

Crumble a whole vegetable stock cube over the soya mixture and try to locate the lime leaves and remove if you want or squash/crunch them up a bit in the mixture. Add the green beans to the soya and with a wooden spoon mix them in well (Photo 2). When the potatoes are ready mash them with the skins on. Add half or a third of the ground pepper to the prepared mash potato. Do not add anything else.

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